
Developer API

Simple API access for developers

Automate the entire process of bitcoin mixing using the provided API.
To use the API, initiate a standard HTTP GET request to
Append the following parameters for creating a new mix, all names are case-sensitive:

Parameter Range Value
(required) payoutAddress1 The bitcoin payout address number 1
payoutDelay1 2 - 48 The payout delay for payout address 1, in hours
payoutPercentage1 0 - 100 The payout percentage for payout address 1, in integers
(optional) payoutAddress2 The bitcoin payout address number 2
payoutDelay2 2 - 48 The payout delay for payout address 2, in hours
payoutPercentage2 0 - 100 The payout percentage for payout address 2, in integers
(optional) payoutAddress3 The bitcoin payout address number 3
payoutDelay3 2 - 48 The payout delay for payout address 3, in hours
payoutPercentage3 0 - 100 The payout percentage for payout address 3, in integers
(recommended) mixcode The mixcode that is used for this mix. This should be the same for all requests to prevent receiving the same coins from an earlier mix again. You could use "gE2y6" for example.


To create a mix using the example payout address '1234567890' with a payout delay of 12 hours, a request would look like this:


The response will contain the following parameters:

Parameter Value
payinAddress The newly generated bitcoin payin address for this mix
payinAmountMin The minimum payin amount
payinAmountMax The maximum amount that can be mixed at once
mixId A unique mix id that can be used to access details of the mix, such as the Letter of Guarantee
error An error description, if an error occured

Letter of Guarantee

You can download the Letter of Guarantee after creating a mix.
For an example mix id of 'ABCDEF', the download address is: